When loading an icartt file into an experiment, the missing value as reported in the header will be used to convert missing values in the incoming waves to nans.The UTC timewave (the independent parameter) and any dependent parameters formatted with a "t" (from the create panel) will have the starting date subtracted from it (in the created file) and will be formatted with one digit after the decimal. Waves selected to be saved are duplicated in the ICARTTFileFormat data folder. None of the original waves in the experiment are modified in any way.MissingDataIndicator = -9999 // NOTE - This is adjusted depending on the significant digits of the datastream.ScaleFactor = 1 // this value is assumed for creating files, but reading files with non-unity scaling factors is supported.TotalVolumeNumber = 1 // this value is assumed for reading and creating files.FileVolumeNumber = 1 // this value is assumed for reading and creating files.FileFormatType = 1001 // this value is assumed for reading and creating files.Some parameters are calculated some have simple default values.If something goes awry, the user can reset the data folder to root (most everyone's default) by inserting the text below (less the //) into the command line SetDataFolder root: Whenever a user loads or creates a ICARTT format file, an igor data folder called ICARTTFileFormat gets created in the experiment and most of the work is done here.Users should have both files open in an igor experiment. Functions in this file use functions in the 2019 GeneralMacros igor procedure file (a collection of NOAA CSL supported Igor Tools).
#Igor pro 7 documentation insertpoints code
Importantly, the code provided here is able to read most standard-compliant v1 and v2 ICARTTs, but it will only write out v2 compliant code. The specification linked above refers to v2.0. There are 2 main versions of the ICARTT specification, v1.1 and v2, the latter being in use since 2017.
The ICARTT specification also includes several additional file formats for posting multidimensional data (Fileformats 21), but these are currently not supported by this software.
2019_merge_all_ICARTT_files_in_same_folder (.ipf) August 2019