If not, we’re always looking for new problems to solve! Email yours to including screen captures as appropriate, and whether you want your full name used. We’ve compiled a list of the questions we get asked most frequently along with answers and links to columns: read our super FAQ to see if your question is covered. Then you can use a Smart Folder to gather them together, or use various Arrange By/Sort By options to group by tags.

You can add an HTML Templates tag and assign that to all your templates. Might I suggest instead using macOS’s Tags feature? In the Finder, select Finder > Preferences and click the Tags icon. To directly see and change your file associations in Windows. Firefox exposes more of this mapping information, but you can’t add new file types. Windows 10 (Settings) Start-> Settings-> Apps-> Default apps-> Choose default apps by file type (text link at the bottom) Another way to get to this option (except for Windows XP) is via Control Panel-> Programs-> Default Programs-> Make a file type always open in specific program. Unfortunately, there’s no way I can find to change file associations in Safari or Chrome.

The Tags editor lets you create your own, which you can assign to files to sort and find them. Some kinds of documents also embed MIME information into their headers, so software can read a few characters of the file to figure out what it is.) IDG (You’ll see MIME mentioned explicitly in email programs’ headers. In the olden days, when everything to do with the web was more in a state of flux, you could modify and add content mappings, usually in the form used by MIME, a decades-old method of associating actions and formats with file extensions.